My First Week is Nearly Over!

College is crazy! I’ve been to all my classes and they’re mostly great! Of course, they’re kind of boring seeing as how I’m a freshman and it’s the first week. So basically, we’re learning the basics of science, psychology and how mass media affects our society. But, soon it should be getting a whole lot more interesting! Crossing my fingers! 

So, my Intro to Biology class should be alright. I’m pretty good at that stuff and yesterday, we took a pretest to see what we already knew because by the end of the semester, we will learn that stuff. Good news! I knew most of the answers! 🙂 So that should be fairly easy. And my Psychology class is awesome! My prof, Dr. Larson, is hilarious and she’s super passionate about what she teaches, making the class loads of fun! Now, my Mass Media and Society prof is crazy. Dr. Sea honestly looks like a mouse; when her mouth is “closed”, her top lips sits above her front teeth and looks like a mouse. And she’s kinda little so that adds to the hilarity. She showed us this website called Take This Lollipop. It’s freaky. You should check it out. 

Yesterday, my hall did this thing they like to call “speed dating” even though it’s not about dating, just to meet people. I met a couple interesting folks. Like this one guy, JR. Literally, his first question was “Do you game?” Um, no, sir. I don’t. “Why not? It’s cool.” Um, no. I’m a girl. I don’t game. And despite his desperate pleas, I will not start gaming. He was very…something. #shudder But yeah, so I met some cool people, but I can’t remember their names, except for like, five. 

I’m planning on being in the Pep Band here, and apparently they don’t allow clarinets and flutes, so Nigel (my bass clarinet) will be taking break from pep band. I’m learning to play the tenor saxophone so hopefully the transition is easy. The director’s wife said it would be. That should be fun! I’ve always wanted to learn a second instrument.

I’m going to be involved in the Lutheran Campus Ministry and Intervarsity so that should be encouraging. I told the lady at Intervarsity that I would be interested in mentoring other students and talking to people about Jesus and she was excited, so I am, too! Plus, the Lutheran Campus Center always has free/cheap food at least 3 days a week, soooooo…yeah. Free+college kid=success! 

So, that’s basically life right now. God is good and he is working on campus even though I might not see it yet. He is faithful and I need to trust that. Have a great day!

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